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Size: 6" Sansevieria

  • Snake plant is an ideal choice for beginner gardeners because it is difficult to kill. It's great in a container and grows well on the floor or on tabletop displays. Snake plant thrives in warm weather and struggles in cold conditions. This plant is drought resistant but is susceptible to overwatering which lead to root rot. Only water the plant if the soil feels dry. These plants can go two months between watering's in the winter months. In warmer months, water them every three to four weeks.
  • Plant Care:
  • Light: Snake plants prefer indirect but steady light with some direct sun. They can adapt to full sun conditions and will also survive dimly lit situations.
  • Soil: Snake plants prefer a loose, well-drained potting mix. This plant will do well in sandier soils. Use a potting media low in peat content. Peat works well in many situations, but it can become tightly packed and sometimes has problems rehydrating or draining. An all-purpose cactus potting soil is a good choice.
  • Water: Let the soil dry between watering's. During the winter, reduce watering to monthly, or whenever the soil is dry to the touch. Err on the side of under-watering; too much water can harm the plant.
  • Whats Included:
  • Plant, Basket, Moss & Enclosure Card.
  • Variety will vary